What is a Rocker Plate?
In essence, a Rocker Plate is a device which allows the trainer and bike to tilt from side to side, more accurately simulating the real life motion of riding a bike. Proponents say it increases comfort and makes long rides more forgiving on those sensitive parts of the anatomy that may be otherwise get a bit of a hard time.
That’s a quote I stole from Zwift Insider because I was feeling too lazy to explain it myself.
I do want to expand on this idea. The first rocker plates only tilted from side to side; however, my rocker plate design not only tilts from side to side, but it also moves fore and aft… or forwards and backwards. In theory this should attempt to replicate sprints or out of the saddle efforts.
I am not the creator, finder or even smart person who thought of this idea. I merely took all of features I liked in all of the other rockers I saw and created my own.
I offer the DXF plans and where to buy all of the materials for my rocker in this Google sheets document below; however, if you are not DIY inclined I do sell the rockers on my website Ride South.

Specs Gallery

Hi, Andrew:
thanks for your DIY video, give me confident to DIY my rocket plate.
I have reviewed your excel spreadsheet for all parts, however, I do not see any design drawing (Autocad) iuor CNC DXF plan so that I can cut and build by myself.
Tony, the DXG file link is on the row “top plate” to the right.
Andrew where are the templates to download this rocker panel. I the video you refer to the dfx file but can’t find it.
The files are located in the google drive file on the “DXF FILE” column: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10cFDYMi7-6H0W-D2sdZumRIM4sGxIb8PhTK3zXKIQDw/edit?usp=sharing
Andrew…thanks much for sharing your rocker design. Your parts list was perfect and I was able to source everything short of the two springs (backordered). Couple of questions:
1. Can you please confirm that both plates can be cut from one 4′ x 8′ plywood sheet?
2. Does your downloadable DXF file contain only the general drawing of the plates (I only see one sheet in the file)? I was hoping to get the overall measurements of the plates and associated cutouts.
Again, thanks for sharing your design and I look forward to completing this project! Happy New Year!
Ray, that’s awesome to hear!
1. Both plates can fit on a 4’x 8′ or a 5′ x 5′
2. The measurements are in the DXF the overall length of the boards are 60″ all of the other measurements should align when you scale the length of the board.
Let me know how it works out for you. Happy New Year!
Andrew… Thanks for the info on the plywood sizing…that’s good news. As for the DWF files, I’ve downloaded both the 35MM and 40 MM you’ve posted on your spreadsheet. Unfortuantely, both only show the basic outline of the top and bottom plate…no annotations or measurements. I am using a few Android apps to view your files…but the outcome is the same. Might you have some suggestions for me please? Otherwise, would you be able to send me a screen shot of the plates indicating the measurements?
Thanks much in advance!
Ray, if you scale the centerline from the nose to the tail of both boards and size them to 60″ everything else will be to size. Unless you have some type of CAD program you won’t be able to see the measurements. I never had the time to go and do a measurement drawing.
Thanks much Andrew. That’s what I thought. I’ve already completed the scale measurements based on the DWF drawings. Appreciate your time and comments!
I notice on your website the photo of the rocker plate is elongated at the base, perhaps to accomodate a trainer like the Wahoo Kickr Core. Is that the purpose of the modification? If so – can you tell me what dimensions were altered? Thanks in advance.
Just to be a little more clear, the photo i was referring to is located where you are selling these items on your website. https://www.weridesouth.com/product/rocker-plate/
Yes, those dimensions were altered to accommodate the Kickr Core.
Andrew, thank you so much for the information. I am going to attempt to build one soon. However, I have a Kickr Core and wondered if the DXF files were available anywhere for the modified version as referenced above.
Hey Dean. Were you able to get the DXF file for the modified/Kickr CORE design?
Hi Jason,
did you manage to receive the updated dxf for kickr core?
I have updated the links to include the V3 dxf.
Hi Andrew-great detail on the site here for DIY build! Question on the springs-your link option is currently not available. Assume you have found this total load capacity / N/mm the right force for the for and aft motion? Struggling to find a comparison with right measurements and load factors – any advise greatly appreciated. In Canada so most are in LB/in (looks to be a 5 for 1 ratio… thx
Stew, I get all mine from Allied at these specs 135mmx27mm 1.23N/mm. Allied does have a Canada specific site, but they don’t have any springs currently ready to ship; however, they have some on order. I typically place an order fo them if they don’t have any ready to ship and they are pretty quick to get more.
Hi Andrew,
It it going to be compatible with Taxc Neo? Any mounting holes to be added to current design to install Neo?
I have not confirmed this works with the Tacx Neo. I believe the back legs are a bit too wide; however, there are many designs in the FB group that alter my design for the Neo. https://www.facebook.com/groups/415329188897706/search/?q=tacx%20neo
Amazon is direcly suggesting ALL other necessary items at the bottom with :
“Customers who bought this item also bought…”
Comment Any idea when you’ll have more rocker plates in stock for sale?
I have them available for local pick up, but not for shipping due to the high cost right now.
Awesome write-up! I’m sure I’l be building two of these in the next few weeks.
Side note, to make it easier to measure a hole pattern, use the back (inside measuring jaw) of the calipers, measure inside one hole and zero the calipers at that diameter. Then measure from the outer edge of one hole to the outer edge of the next and the calipers will read your centerline distance.
Your parts list calls out SCS20UU 20mm linear bearings, but the link for Amazon goes to a SCS16UU with no option to select the 20mm bearing.
It’s most likely that vendor ran out. If you search Amazon for SCS20UU you should be able to locate another one, if not they are on the AliExpress link as well.
What should one expect to pay to have the 4×8 material CNC machined?
I’ve seen quotes on the Rocker Plate facebook page anywhere from 100$ to 300$
Hi Andrew,
I live in Dallas and would be interested in buying a rocker plate. Do you have any in stock?
I will have some available next week.
Hi Andrew,
First up, your plans are awesome as are your videos. Was wondering whether top platform is wide enough to mount a kickr bike. I did some measurements and it looks like it would need to come forward from the back about 230mm.
Thank you! The design does fit a Kickr bike. I have a few customers that have them and I just purchased one myself and it fits great.
Thanks very much for sharing these designs!
Would a 1200mm linear shaft work ok with this? Struggling to find a 1400mm one in the UK. Would it just be a case of mounting the 2 standoffs on the end 10cm inward?
My specific design is made for a minimum of 1300mm rod. 1200mm will not work with the mounts. You could bring the mounts inboard, but I cannot guarantee you won’t run into collision issues the plate moves fore-aft.
Hi Andrew, does your design fit an Elite Suito? I’m trying to locate all the pieces needed, to make this!
I have not been able to check personally if an Elite Suito fits on the design; however, I did get to fit a Elite Direto onto one. There was some minor over hang from the rubber feet on the legs, but it fit.
Hey Andrew, thanks so much for this!
I have a few questions, if you have the time:
1) I saw a V2 PDF of your design (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yIlaeMLvrXlSw29-RB5z4FbLAqi5j_qG/view). Are there any significant design modifications from v1?
2) Are the M6-1.0 30mm bolts for the top and bottom plates the same? Asking as you are linking to different part numbers on Grainer and eBay, but not Amazon
3) Do you have a recommendation for the material of the linear bearings? I have seen them advertised as Aluminum and Polymer.
1. There are no significant modifications from V1 other than different mounting slots, removing more material for a weight savings and expanding the back for Kickr Core and other back leg rockers.
2. You can use 30 for both top and bottom just fine. I use 25 on bottom just to save some weight.
3. The linear bearings I use are aluminum body with steel ball bearings. I really wanted to try the polymer ones, but couldn’t get my hands on any, so I can’t recommend them as of now.
Hi. Love the simplicity of the build and that you have a parts list with links. Saves me a lot of searching!
I see that you have used a Ø20 mm steel rod. Do you feel that was necessary with regards to stiffness? I’m tempted to go for a Ø16 mm instead to save weight but not at the expense of stiffness.
I like the 20mm rod, it may be overkill tho. Many people in the rocker plate group use 16mm rod. Just a heads up that if you do, my template likely won’t work as the standoffs and 16mm bearings will be smaller.
Great design. Thanks for the hard work. I have located most of the products needed following the links you have supplied. I live in Ohio and cannot locate the springs. Any suggestion would be helpful. Please advise.
Matt Neighbor
Thank you! Allied has 517 of them in stock right now at https://www.alliedelec.com/product/rs-pro-by-allied/121292/70636054/
I hope this helps!
Thanks for taking the time to detail your rocker plate design. I’m looking forward to building one over the next few weeks.
I’m new to CNC routing but have a local guy lined up. I just want to ensure I’ve got the right setup. I’m looking at the DXF files (for both 35MM and 40 MM bearing models) using various available CAD tools but the designs seem to be visualizing in 2D. Any idea if this is normal for tools like freecad, librecad, autocad online viewer? Should I expect to see the depth (for example, in countersinks and logo)?
Also, the front and back are side-by-side, flipped. Is this already laid out for a 4’x8′ or is the expectation that they should be repositioned to fit the board (4×8, 5×5, etc) in the CNC’s CAD tool?
I really like this design and construction. I’m planning to build a rocker plate on my own and I will use this design almost straight off, I’ll just have to create a custom design of the top plate, to fit my smart bike. I work as a cnc-operator so this will be pretty easy to construct and to mill.
Just have one question, how do you attach the bottom plate bolts? Is there a sink for the lock nuts at the under side of the bottom plate? Maybe it will work with some threaded inserts?
Thanks again for posting the 2D outline and parts list. I ended up manually cutting and routing mine and am pleased with the result. Here’s a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lp5bEgiHZU
Love the design! You mentioned you sell them, and seem to be somewhere in Central Texas. Are you still selling them? I didn’t see any on Ride South. I’m in Austin and am considering buying one, seeing as I have a bum arm at the moment.
I am no longer making them as I used to, but I think I have a few left over if you’re still interested. I’ll be headed to Austin for Tour Das Hugel on Nov. 12, I can certainly bring it down.
Hi Andrew,
First and foremost, awesome job… thanks for sharing/spreading the knowledge!
I’m arriving later on the scene for these rocker plates. Never knew they existed. I’m not a social media person so no access to Facebook, IG, etc. In any case, Bo gots to have one of these!!!!. I see you’ve stopped building them.
1. Do you have any left in stock?
2. If so, can you send me a price?
3. If not, I’ll try to track down a CNC shop to see if they will work with me. Is there better contact for you to reach you directly? If I have to do it myself, I’m gonna have some questions!
I have one or two left, I’m selling them for 300$ I stopped because the price of the quality of wood I was using went beyond what was reasonable for customers.
Ok.. Can you give me a shipping estimate for zip 21638?
I love this and have ordered everything except the springs that i am having trouble sourcing (im in Canada near Toronto)
If you haven’t found any yet, shoot me a message and I’ll mail you some.
Great bwork on designing this. I’m about to build my own but I ordered 6’’ balls by mistake. Any recommendations about how wide I should cut the channel?
6″ is fine, the balls will form to the plates. You shouldn’t need to resize the channels.
Hello, I own a CNC company in DFW. If you are still looking for a CNC company. DallasCNCServices.com 469-945-8881
Has anyone had any issues with the bearings in the SCS20UU scoring/wearing the shaft?
Hello Andrew, thank you for the guide and instructions. I built my Rocker Plate based on your plans and looks and works pretty nice. However, the only thing I could not source were the compression springs. I had to use different ones from my local hardware store, but they are two strong that make the back and forth a little to rough with very little travel.
I believe you mentioned in a a post you may have some spare springs. If you have two available, can you sell me two of them? Thank you Andrew.
Sure, shoot me an email at andrew at andrewgrabbs.com
Hello, any recommendation on what lubricant/grease should be used for the shaft and the bearings? I have SBR20UU bearing and the 20mm Shaft. Thank you!
Any water-proof grease will do. I usually just slap some Phils on there.. the same that I use on my bike; however, you can use anything.
Thank you Andrew!
Hello, any recommendation on what lubricant/grease to use for the bearings and shaft. Thank you.
Hello Andrew! Very nicely done across the board on this, evidently your design has well stood the test of time. Will this work for the Zwift Hub? Thank you!
Yes, the V2 should work for the zwift hub.
Hello Andrew, the spreadsheet looks empty when I view it on my phone – is there a problem with it or with me?
You may have to scroll up or over depending on if you’re using Google Sheets or not.
Great plans, was fun to build, thank you! I CADed some 3D printable centralising washers for the bearing and support ends of the springs, some 3mm spacers and some replacement feet for a Tacx trainer that can be bolted to the top to provide extra stability – would you like to include them here? Also have a set of links for UK based builders to help source parts.
Absolutely! if you want to send me any details to andrew at andrewgrabbs.com I’ll add them and list you for the credit.